In Resonance Coaching

Training & Workshops

‘Analysis is nothing without Application’ (Daniel Frankl)

Those who do not have power over the story that dominates their lives — the power to retell it, rethink it, deconstruct it, joke about it, and change it as times change — truly are powerless, because they cannot think new thoughts.

– Salman Rushdie 

Training & Workshops

Our solutions integrate the 3 components of holistic learning: Head, Heart and Hand. That means tailored solutions that activate behaviour and connect skills and mind-sets to values in practise. Training includes role-play, rehearsal and feedback embedded in simulations that mirror experience, with a reflection and rating system that allows visibility and follow up on results.

CCM™ Conversation Continuum Model & Strategic Story Listening

CCM™ is a System of thought tracking, deep listening and observing from multiple perspectives, to become more agile and directive during conversation. Appreciative Inquiry and NLP skills are used to build presence, empathy and shared meaning in practise. (Delivered through

Narrative Coaching

What are the stories we tell ourselves and how can we own them? Coaching sessions invest NLP, Metaphor and energy to shape the experiences we remember into structures that empower us and bring harmony of body, emotion and thought into performance.

Into the Light – The Art & Science of Storytelling

What are the stories we can tell, to whom and why? A 6-week development course with book. Tried and tested with over 200 participants, this is KPMG’s most popular training for 3 years running.

Grainne Delaney – International Coach

  • "I have just had my first coaching session with Grainne. She was cool, calm and connected! She listened thoughtfully, was non-prescriptive and gave me solid ideas to work with. An hour very well spent."

    P. Collin Director
  • ‘I felt more comfortable about speaking in front of a large audience and was able structure my story better’

    F.Bergsma Marketing, Sales & Communications Director
  • “… In almost everything we do credibility is one of the key success factors. I was offered a new approach, mindset and a set of useful tools that enabled me to gain more professional and personal impact.”

    R.Veenman Project  Manager
  • “I became aware of my habits and the effects of it on my audience. I learned how to tell and show a good story. The individual coaching of Gráinne helped me in performing on making an impact. I learned how to step out and use my voice by playing with volume and silence.”

    B.M. Kemerink Adviseur Proposals
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