In Resonance Coaching

What I do & How I do it

Coaching to Connect Personal Passion & Professional Purpose

What I do

‘Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.’ Albert Einstein

I am a Master Practitioner Energy Coach – which is about refining the way you engage with yourself and with others. 

‘Emotion = Energy + Movement’

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Developed by Bruce Schneider, of the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching, Energy Leadership™ enables you to achieve more success in your life, with less stress.

When performing at our best it feels like we are smarter: we make sharp decisions, exceed expectations and things seem easier to deal with as we feel ‘in the zone’ or in ‘flow’.

At other times we feel caught up in lower mood states: struggling against our circular thinking and trapped a step behind everyone else, instead of ‘ahead of the game’.

Energy coaching in an ‘inside-out’ approach that looks at the distinction between ‘catabolic’ (destructive) and ‘anabolic’ (constructive) thinking and where your average resonating level lies. (ARL).

We help recognise and elevate your ARL to access higher mood states and mind sets that allow us to be more creative, curious and confident.

I am ICF Accredited – which means I am recognised as meeting ethical and industry standards.

And I use my background in Psychology, Physiotherapy and the Creative Arts to form an integrated approach to self-development.

Coaching Session

“To have real conversations with people may seem like such a simple, obvious suggestion, but it involves courage and risk.” (Thomas Moore)

Grainne Delaney – International Coach


What can I expect?

Coaching is personal support, future-orientated and action-based.

We co-create your agenda and set your priorities. We identify mind-sets that motivate and cut through limiting beliefs that hold you back.  We highlight strengths, align values and deepen resources to support your plan.

Together we work out systems and structures that keep you on track towards your conscious choice for change.


When we identify and align our values and stand on our strengths, we have a natural authority and authenticity. When we apply this stronger connection to work and colleagues, we feel like a real contributor and enjoy seeing chances and choices to learn consistently. This higher sense of engagement naturally leads to higher productivity and profits for your organisation, business and personal interactions.

After working with In Resonance, you will feel more

  • Integrated about why you do what you do,
  • Empowered to approach challenges with curiosity,
  • Confident to articulate ideas and influence others with positive results.

“He who controls others is powerful but he who masters himself is mightier still.” Lao Tzu

Coaching for Teams

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As a Time to Think Facilitator, I use the Thinking Environment to help teams with their brainstorming, decision-making and performance.

At all levels of group or teamwork, this approach brings Attention, Equality, Ease and Appreciation to every contact moment.

A positive environment where every voice is valued, deepens the quality of thinking by the individuals and the collective.

Applications include, but are not limited to:

  • Creative sessions to kick-off projects
  • Inclusive practices for running meetings
  • Solid frameworks to manage the rfp tender process; from concept to pitch. 

Narrative Coaching

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“When all eyes are on us, the most important story, is the one you tell yourself.” Grainne Delaney

How can we own and share experiences so we can inspire others with confidence?

Coaching sessions invest time and energy to shape the experiences we remember into structures that empower us and bring the integration of body, emotion and thought, into performance.

Group sessions – Invest time in Futures Thinking

How can we expand the narrative space to explore possibilities and generate scenarios that allow new stories to emerge?

Link: See storytelling/storylistening 5 module training

“In every case, the remedy is to take action. Get clear about exactly what it is that you need to learn and exactly what you need to do to learn it. BEING CLEAR KILLS FEAR. Make it thy business to know thyself, which is the most difficult lesson in the world.”

Miguel de Cervantes


Feel the Fear & Focus

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  • "I have just had my first coaching session with Grainne. She was cool, calm and connected! She listened thoughtfully, was non-prescriptive and gave me solid ideas to work with. An hour very well spent."

    P. Collin Director
  • ‘I felt more comfortable about speaking in front of a large audience and was able structure my story better’

    F.Bergsma Marketing, Sales & Communications Director
  • “… In almost everything we do credibility is one of the key success factors. I was offered a new approach, mindset and a set of useful tools that enabled me to gain more professional and personal impact.”

    R.Veenman Project  Manager
  • “I became aware of my habits and the effects of it on my audience. I learned how to tell and show a good story. The individual coaching of Gráinne helped me in performing on making an impact. I learned how to step out and use my voice by playing with volume and silence.”

    B.M. Kemerink Adviseur Proposals
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